it's real me

it's real me
RAHMAWATI. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.


On Saturday May 24 , 2014, My friends and I planned to hangout to Ragusa . Ragusa is a ice cream cafe that sells traditional ice cream from dutch era . Ragusa ice cream is pretty delicious and does not make a sore throat . After from there me and my friends went on a trip to the Kota Tua , we went on saturday that night , so when we got there it was very crowded and many merchants that selling various stuff like shoes, clothes, foods & drinks, women accessories and many more. We went to Kota Tua to find food there for dinner. When we walked around the food stalls to look for food , our attention is diverted when we saw the wooden puppet shows that controlled by a single person . The puppet show is unique, because there are about 7 dolls that can move together and only moved by one person, he use straps attached to each doll . moreover between that 7 dolls , one of them are wooden skulls doll that is larger than the other dolls. The puppet shows increasingly attract the attention of people because of the sound of his music is also great and loud , the puppet show plays dangdut music. It makes the wooden puppets moved looks like they dancing as they listen to dangdut music that being played. And of course I didn’t forget to take a picture of them, because I think the show is quite unique for me to tell .

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